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Financial Reporting Quality and Myopic Investments: Theory and Evidence(高级经济学讲座第297期)
发布时间:2022年12月16日 11:32    编辑:吕宁    点击:[]


Financial Reporting Quality and Myopic Investments: Theory and Evidence


张程,新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学金融学助理教授,伦敦政治全球赌船十大网站金融学博士。研究领域为衍生品,财务会计,信息经济学,投资学。成果发表于Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Futures Markets等期刊。


We present theory and empirical evidence that greater financial reporting quality can incentivize myopic investments. In the model, greater financial reporting quality increases investor response to earnings and, in turn, the importance of earnings for the manager, elevating her incentive to invest myopically to improve earnings. Using the setting of Big N auditors’ acquisitions of non-Big Ns, which increased investor response to earnings for the acquired client firms, we find evidence supporting myopic investments. Specifically, acquired clients decrease intangible investments, particularly when (i) the increase in investor response to earnings is larger and (ii) the horizon of shareholders is shorter. The investment decrease is inefficient, as evidenced by reduced profitability, fewer exploratory innovations, and other measures.


五、地点腾讯会议572-767-854 密码:221221

上一条:叙事文本大数据与金融市场因子择时 (高级经济学讲座第298期) 下一条:Empowered Young Women: Trade Liberalization and Women's Family Decisions in China(高级经济学讲座第295期)


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